Engineering a Sustainable Future

Low-emission and Resource-Efficient Solutions for Today and Tomorrow

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What we do

Our Services

Circular strategy consulting
EU taxonomy / SDG / ESG / benchmarking / funding opportunities / certification
Resource-efficient structural concepts
Design planning / life cycle assessment / deconstructable concepts / WBLCA
Innovative material concepts
Pre-Demolition Audits (PDA) / potential assessment / reuse strategies / building resource passport / renewable, recycled materials
Research and Education
Training Center for Cooperative studies / further education programmes / industrial research / research projects
Why we do it

Your benefits

Buildings contain many valuable resources that are becoming increasingly scarce and are responsible for many CO2 emissions. Structural engineers in particular can massively reduce material consumption and achieve a great deal here.

Prof. Dr.-Ing. Patrick Teuffel has long been concerned with the question of how the circular economy can be used sensibly in structural engineering.

Get in touch


Our projects

Featured Project
ReCreate: Science meets Practice

The topic of reuse is often mentioned in the context of resource scarcity and the climate crisis. The EU-funded research project ReCreate: Reusing precast concrete for a circular economy addresses the potential for reusing precast concrete elements.

CIRCULAR STRUCTURAL DESIGN is part of the project as a scientific consultant and leads the Working Package 5: Redesign and Reassembly.

The tasks ahead for the ReCreate project in this area include the following: building with existing components differs significantly from the current building practice in key aspects. The design process is different, new connection details that enable reuse are required, and logistical challenges must be overcome.

ReCreate: Science meets Practice
Research and Education
Lightweight Construction “Beachclub Bries” Noordwijk
Resource-efficient structural concepts
Guide “Circularity in Structural Design”
Research and Education
Resource-efficient structural concepts
Green AI Hub
Research and Education
Polycare Tower
Innovative material concepts
COST CA21103
Research and Education
dena – Circular Business Models
Circular Strategy consulting
RC office building Berlin
Circular Strategy consulting
FAZ Frankfurt
Innovative material concepts
Facettenwerk Wiesbaden
Circular Strategy consulting
Bamboo as structural material
Innovative material concepts
FOL Slab Study/Laboratory Building Ceiling Optimization
Resource-efficient structural concepts
House of Transformation Berlin
Circular Strategy consulting
Research and Education
Who we are

Prof. Dr.-Ing. Patrick Teuffel

Expert for circular structural design at the interface between construction practice and research


Professor of Innovation and Sustainability Strategies at Berlin School of Technology and Berlin University of Applied Sciences




As an actor and director, Christof Düro brings a fresh perspective to CIRCULAR STRUCTURAL DESIGN. Drawing on his creative background, he works with innovative methods to better connect the fields of structural engineering and sustainable construction, making them more accessible to a broader audience. He is convinced that circular construction will become increasingly second nature.


José Gomes has many years of international experience. His current focus is on principles such as the deconstructability of building components, promoting the future adaptability of buildings, the reuse of used steel profiles or modular construction solutions that are suitable for deconstruction and reuse in subsequent projects. He graduated with an MSc in Civil Engineering from the University of Coimbra and the Technical University of Lisbon.

The combination of structural engineering and sustainability is Marlene Schulz’s area of focus at CIRCULAR STRUCTURAL DESIGN, where she supports the team in advancing from a linear to a circular construction industry. She holds an MSc in Civil Engineering from TU Berlin and has several years of practical experience in Berlin.

Frank Seebach applies his extensive experience as a structural engineer for large-scale projects to effectively support the team in implementing circular construction projects. His expertise in working with existing buildings and BIM provides him with a deep understanding of historical structures as well as digital structuring methods, which serve as a basis for lifecycle analyses. In addition, Frank has experience in research and development. His academic background includes a diploma in cartography and a bachelor’s degree in civil engineering.



Smart Circular Bridge
Smart Circular Bridge

DGNB Circularity Indices for Buildings
DGNB Circularity Indices for Buildings

Demolition vs Transformation
Demolition vs Transformation

EU-Taxonomy and ESG
EU-Taxonomy and ESG

De-construction concept
De-construction concept

Designing the future, Berlin
Designing the future, Berlin

Heinze Climate Festival
Heinze Climate Festival


Patrick Teuffel

Zossener Straße 41
10961 Berlin